24 Dec 2012

Christmas Wishes to you all .....

Santa's work is done, all that is  left for him to do is deliver all the  Christmas gifts and I have been tracking Santa and his progress.  He has just left St Petersburg in Russia and  will eventually make his way to my family in South African,  then he will stop over here in the United Kingdom and  later he will visit my children in the United States. 
 Have you been good, I hope Santa has some surprises in store for you.  
 My wish is  for you to have a blessed peaceful Christmas,   I would like to wish you happiness peace and blessings beyond your wildest imaginations and I hold the families who lost love ones especially  in the recent shootings in the USA the homeless and lonely,  in prayer and love, always, but especially at this time of the year.


millefeuilles said...

Peace and joy to you and your loved ones.


Red Rose Alley said...

I love these vintage cards. My sister first introduced me to these cards years ago, and ever since then, I was hooked.

عبده العمراوى said...
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